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Rehmannia by Herb Pharm Retail: $11.99
Our Price!: $9.59


Rehmannia glutinosa

Part Used: Dried processed root

Rehmannia (Rehmannia glutinosa) is a perennial herb with reddish-violet flowers native to China, Japan and Korea. Its common name is Chinese Foxglove. Rehmannia's root is used medicinally in oriental medicine to replenish vitality, to strengthen the liver, kidney and heart and for treatment of a variety of ailments like diabetes, constipation, anemia, urinary tract problems, dizziness and regulation of menstrual flow. Rehmannia has been used extensively in traditional Chinese medicine. It has also been used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, urticaria, and chronic nephritis. It is often used to relieve cramps, regulate menstrual cycles, reduce anemia, and improve energy levels.

Rehmannia looks promising in treating aplastic anemia, mitigating side-effects of chemotherapeutic agents and HIV medications, curing obdurate eczema, relieving pain from lung or bone cancer or disc protrusion, and helping ameliorate lupus nephritis and type II diabetes with hyperlipidemia. It is generally regarded as safe when used short-term (less than 3-4 months). Rehmannia contains Vitamins A, B, C, C, amino acids, cerebroside, dammelittoside, melittoside, rehmaglitin and other substances that have antiinflammatory and antifungal properties. It helps prevent depletion of glycogen for hypoglycemia and helps disperse heat from the body. Its astringent compounds help stop bleeding of ulcers and reduce inflammation of the digestive system. Other compounds work to reduce capillary fragility and help protect the adrendal glands and liver function. Rehmannia tonifies the blood and helps with deficiencies, working as a blood tonic.

Nutriherb. http://www.nutriherb.net/rehmannia-glutinosa.html

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