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Yucca (Alcohol-Free) by Herb Pharm Retail: $12.79
Our Price!: $10.23
Yucca Root by Now Foods Retail: $6.99
Our Price!: $4.01
Yucca Stalk by Nature's Way Retail: $9.49
Our Price!: $5.75


Yucca schidigera

Part Used: Concentrated juice of inner trunk (alcohol free)

Yucca (Yucca schidigera)is a perennial herb. It can be regarded as fairly safe. It is an FDA-approved food additive, used as a foaming agent in beverages such as root beer. Researchers have been testing Yucca for its effectiveness against arthritis speculate that it works by blocking intestinal release of toxins that inhibit normal formation of cartilage. Traditionally, Yucca has been used orally to treat arthritis and related ailments such as bursitis (inflammation of the pads that separate tendons from bones) and gout. It contains a therapeutic anti inflammatory phytosterol with the ability to break up inorganic mineral obstructions and deposits. Its primary uses are in pain relieving combinations for arthritic and joint pain, and sediment caused by inflammation such as gout, rheumatism, and cystitis. It is also used to establish a flora balance in the GI tract and for asthmatic relief. Yucca root may have a laxative effect.

Yucca is currently being used as a treatment for arthritis, although its effectiveness has not been officially recognized. In the past Native Americans have used Yucca for sprains, sores, bleeding, and all sorts of inflammation. As a shampoo, it has even been used to fight dandruff and hair loss. Yucca contains a proven antioxidant, a chemical known as resveratrol. Antioxidants are thought to protect body cells from damage caused by a chemical process called oxidation. Oxygen free radicals, natural chemicals produced by oxidation, are involved in the development of several conditions including heart diseases. By limiting oxidation, resveratrol and other antioxidants may help prevent damage to blood vessels and other changes that may contribute to the development of heart disease. In addition, Yucca contains a high percentage of saponins, chemicals that dissolve in both water and oil. In the stomach and intestines, some saponins may fasten onto cholesterol particles in the blood, thereby preventing cholesterol absorption by the body and promoting its elimination. Although saponins from Yucca have not been studied specifically, saponins from other plant sources also attach to bile, effectively removing it from circulation. The body then has to use some dietary or stored cholesterol to make more bile, further reducing the amount of cholesterol that stays in the blood.

Herbal Information Center. http://www.kcweb.com/herb/yucca.htm
PDR Health. http://www.pdrhealth.com/drug_info/nmdrugprofiles/herbaldrugs/103020.shtml
Drug Digest. http://www.drugdigest.org/DD/DVH/HerbsWho/0,3923,551010%7CYucca,00.html

Yucca Root, 500 mg, 100 Capsules, by Now Foods

Retail: $6.99 Our Price!: $4.01 , 2 for $7.82, 6 for $21.99
Yucca Stalk, 100 Capsules, by Nature's Way

Retail: $9.49 Our Price!: $5.75 , 2 for $11.20, 6 for $31.50

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