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Wood Betony Herb, Organic Alcohol by Nature's Answer Retail: $12.10
Our Price!: $7.48

wood betony

Wood Betony is a perennial herb, native to eastern North America from Nova Scotia to Manitoba, south to northern Mexico and east to Florida. It gently tones and strengthens the nervous system whilst also has a relaxing action. It is used in nervous debility associated with anxiety and tension. It eases headaches and neuralgia when they are of nervous origin, but especially those caused by hypertension. It is useful in hysteria, palpitations pain in the head and face, neuralgia and all nervous affections.

Wood Betony is a medicinal and edible herb. It was much used by Native Americans and prized for it’s medicinal and aphrodisiac qualities. Traditionally it was used for headache, neuralgia, pains in the head and face, heartburn, indigestion, cramps in the stomach, jaundice, palsy, convulsions, gout, colic, pains, all bilious and nervous complaints, dropsy, colds, la grippe, tuberculosis, worms, delirium, poisonous snake and insect bites. Leaves and stems are cooked as pot herb. The active constituents in the plant are betaine, betulinic-acid, caffeic-acid, chlorogenic-acid, harpagide, rosmarinic-acid, and tannin. As an alternative medicine it is an emmenagogue , anodyne, anti-tumor, aphrodisiac, blood tonic, cardiac, poultice, stomachic. A medicinal infusion of the roots is used as blood tonic, cardiac for anemia and heart troubles and to treat stomach aches, ulcers, and bloody diarrhea. Wood Betony gently tones and strengthens the nervous system whilst also has a relaxing action. It is useful for treatment of the nervous debility associated with anxiety and tension. It will ease headaches and neuralgia when they are of nervous origin, but especially those caused by hypertension.

A medicinal poultice of the crushed root is applied to swellings, sore muscles, varicose veins, and tumors. The roots are finely grated and added to food as an aphrodisiac. A medicinal infusion of the fresh leaves or dried herb has been used to treat a sore throat, tonsillitis, cough and bronchitis. Infusion also used to treat headaches, dizziness, urinary, bladder and kidney pain. Wash or dip in a strong decoction is used to rid animals and people of lice and scabies.

Holistic Online. http://www.holisticonline.com/Herbal-Med/_Herbs/h311.htm

Wood Betony Herb, Organic Alcohol, 1 oz Liquid, by Nature's Answer

Retail: $12.10 Our Price!: $7.48 , 2 for $14.56, 6 for $40.95

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