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Topricin Cream by Topical Biomedics Retail: $16.95
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Topricin Cream by Topical Biomedics

4 oz Jar

Topricin Cream

Regular Retail: $24.95
Our low price: $17.22, 2 for $33.53, 6 for $94.31

All Products by Topical Biomedics
Item #: VBD021143
UPC: 609863047049
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Topricin is an odorless, greaseless, anti-inflammatory pain relief cream that includes eleven natural regulated medicines. Topricin is used externally and locally on arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, repetitive motion injuries, trauma/sports sprains and strains, and lower back pain.

Topricin is classified as a homeopathic medicine under U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines, and is in full compliance with all current FDA regulations, and with planned labeling regulations through 2005. Topricin is manufactured according to federally mandated Good Manufacturing Practices by a licensed FDA-approved facility in California that produces pharmaceutical-grade natural over-the-counter medicines.

Topricin is safe to use. It has no known or reported side effects, per all applicable FDA standards, and will not interfere with any medicine you are taking. Adults, children, the elderly, and pregnant women can confidently use Topricin. Discover why healthcare professionals and sufferers alike consider Topricin the most effective and safe non-prescription treatment for pain and inflammation on the market today. It is our obligation and our mission to help you experience the freedom and joy of living in a world without pain.


Topricin's patented combination of natural medicines is formulated to provide an array of benefits. Each ingredient passes through rigorous quality control procedure to ensure strength and purity. These superior ingredients effect their action while concurrently conditioning and moisturizing your skin.

Topricin does not contain petroleum, mineral oil, lanolin, menthol, capsaicin, fragrances, or irritating chemicals. The cream is odorless, non-greasy, and will not stain your clothing. Topricin's hypoallergenic base is formulated for maximum absorption of its eleven medicines.

Arnica Montana For injuries and bruising to the muscles and joints. Arnica is considered especially useful for arthritis, joint injuries, and bruising (6X)

Rhus Tox For sprains, arthritic pain, and backaches (6X)

Ruta Graveolens For relief from injuries to the bone or bone covering; often used to relieve trauma to the knee, shin, elbow and cheekbone (6X)

Lachesis Muta For relief from sciatica, arthritis, lower back pain and carpal tunnel (8X)

Belladonna Relief of pain, spasm & inflammation to muscle tissue (6X)

Echinacea Anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial (6X)

Crotalus For improving localized circulation, and considered effective for bruises and contusions, and for accelerating repair to damaged nerves, joints, and muscles (8X)

Aesculus For chronic pain, especially in the legs & varicose veins. (6X)

Heloderma For relief from burning sensation in the hands or feet. (8X)

Naja Relieves inflammation and pain in nerve tissue in the treatment of Carpal Tunnel and neuropathy (8X)

Graphites For relieving symptoms of skin conditions (6X)

Suggested Usage

Topricin does not work like other topical medications you might have used, so it is important to follow the directions. You should not expect a burning, hot, or icy sensation upon application. Instead, the application will seem soothing and moisturizing, and in about 20 minutes you should notice the medicine's subtle but powerful pain relief effects.

In our experience, Topricin produces noticeable improvements and/or healing of various conditions when used on an ongoing basis, and applied according to these instructions. While you will note a rapid reduction in pain at the outset of application, Topricin provides other important benefits if you continue to consistently use the cream.

Some of Topricin's medicines are formulated for ongoing use, requiring months or years of cumulative application to effect true healing and help maintain good health. For longer-term condi

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