Women's well-being is at the heart of Oöna Health. Founded by Valerie Otto and based in New York City, Oöna Health provides important products and information that address women's needs. It produces women’s herbal supplements. From menstrual cramps and PMS to menopause and women’s health, they look for solutions that help your body support itself and increase your well-being. Their supplements, including herbs such as black cohosh and chaste tree berry, are well researched and tested so there is little variation from box to box.
Begun in 1995 as Becoming, Inc., Oöna Health started as a mail order fashion house offering elegant clothes and accessories for women diagnosed with cancer, especially breast cancer. The smart, chic and tailored fashions, geared to answer the specific fashion needs of these women, also helped them regain a sense of dignity and self-worth. Within a few short years, it had evolved into one of the largest businesses of its kind.