Calcium Phosphate promotes healthy cellular activity and restores tone to weakened organs and tissues. Its concern with bone and teeth formation makes it an important remedy for children. NuAge #2 Calc Phos 6X is the remedy for convalescence, restoring strength and speeding recovery. Simple anemia, impaired digestion and infants' teething troubles are all indications for NuAge #2 Calc Phos 6X. Symptoms seem to occur more often in children and are often worse at night.
NuAge #2 Calc Phos 6X is specifically useful for the relief of symptoms of: CONVALESCENCE- After an acute illness, and before complete health and strength are regained, the body requires a period of comparative rest in order to recuperate. NuAge #2 Calc Phos 6X is the principal remedy to tone up the general system.
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