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Nettle Blend by Herb Pharm Retail: $11.99
Our Price!: $9.59
Nettle Herb by Nature's Way Retail: $8.99
Our Price!: $5.47
Nettle Leaf by Nature's Answer Retail: $7.99
Our Price!: $4.88
Nettle Leaf Extract, Organic Alcohol by Nature's Answer Retail: $21.80
Our Price!: $12.67
Nettle Leaf Tea by Alvita Teas Retail: $4.45
Our Price!: $3.97

nettle blend

Urtica dioica

Part Used: Fresh spring leaf & mature seed

Nettle Blend (Urtica dioica) is a native British perennial herb growing in damp forests. It is with a square bristly stem 2-3 feet high, with opposite cordate petiolate deeply serrated pointed leaves which are downy underneath. It is mild diuretic, astringent, tonic, haemostatic, dermatological agent; and extracts of the herb are reported to have hypoglycaemic properties. Primarily Nettle Blend has been used as diuretic, uric acid cleanser, anit-rheumatic, astringent, anti-haemorrhagic, galactagogue, estrogenic, nutritive, anti-anaemic, hypoglycemic (glucoquinone), circulatory stimulant, and expectorant. Nettle Blend strengthens and supports the whole body. It is used as a spring tonic and general detoxifying remedy. In some cases of rheumatism and arthritis it can be astoundingly successful. It is a specific in cases of childhood eczema and beneficial in all the varieties of this condition, especially in nervous eczema. It is also useful for nose bleeds or to relieve the symptoms wherever there is hemorrhage in the body, for example in uterine hemorrhage. Traditional herbalists believed that Nettle tea is a great hair tonic and will bring back the natural color of the hair. The leaves are excellent blood purifier.

Nettle Blend is rich in iron and vitamin C, making it a useful remedy in anaemia and other debilitated states, the presence of the vitamin C ensuring that the iron is properly absorbed. The herb has an important effect on the kidney and on fluid and uric acid excretion, so is of benefit in gout and other arthritic conditions, particularly if there is an element of anaemia. The painful, irritant effect of the sting is lost on drying or heating with water, but if preserved in cold alcoholic tincture the irritant action is preserved. A tincture of the fresh leaf applied locally to an inflamed joint will induce counter-irritation and produce reddening over the joint. Blood is thus flushed through the area and out to the surface of the skin, where the toxins may even be taken off in the fluid of a burst blister. It is also of benefit in chronic skin conditions such as eczema, helping to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. As a haemostatic and astringent, Nettle Blend helps check wound bleeding and to treat menorrhagia. It is also used for haemorrhoids and can be taken internally to treat gastric and intestinal problems. The powdered leaves were traditionally used as a snuff to arrest nosebleeds.

Australian Naturopathic Network. http://www.ann.com.au/herbs/Monographs/urtica.htm
Holistic Online. http://www.holisticonline.com/Herbal-Med/_Herbs/h270.htm
Purple Sage Botanicals. http://www.purplesage.org.uk/profiles/nettle.htm

Nettle Herb, 100 Capsules, by Nature's Way

Retail: $8.99 Our Price!: $5.47 , 2 for $10.66, 6 for $29.99
Nettle Leaf, 90 GelCaps, by Nature's Answer

Retail: $7.99 Our Price!: $4.88 , 2 for $9.50, 6 for $26.71
Nettle Leaf Extract, Organic Alcohol, 2 oz Liquid, by Nature's Answer

Retail: $21.80 Our Price!: $12.67 , 2 for $24.68, 6 for $69.43
Nettle Leaf Tea, 24 Tea Bags, by Alvita Teas

Retail: $4.45 Our Price!: $3.97 , 6 for $22.84
Nettle Leaf Tea, Organic, Non-GE, 30 Bags, by Now Foods

Retail: $3.99 Our Price!: $3.19 , 6 for $18.35
Nettle Root Extract, 250 mg Vegetarian, 90 VegiCaps, by Now Foods

Retail: $14.99 Our Price!: $8.61 , 2 for $16.78, 6 for $47.19
Nettle Root Power, 60 Capsules, by Nature's Herbs

Retail: $15.99 Our Price!: $10.57 , 2 for $20.59, 6 for $57.90
Nettles & Eyebright, Alcohol Free, 1 oz Liquid, by Herbs For Kids

Retail: $9.99 Our Price!: $7.30 , 2 for $14.22, 6 for $40.01
Nettles Leaf, Alcohol Free, 1 oz Liquid, by Nature's Answer

Retail: $12.70 Our Price!: $7.48 , 2 for $14.56, 6 for $40.95
Nettles Leaf, Organic Alcohol, 1 oz Liquid, by Nature's Answer

Retail: $12.69 Our Price!: $7.48 , 2 for $14.56, 6 for $40.95

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