MOOM® has created effective, easy to use and trouble-free, organic hair remover which has embraced ESSENTIAL OILS for their endless benefits in order to offer a real solution to the hair removal problem. MOOM® is founded on the premise that the skin is a receptive organ that absorbs what you put on it including the harmful substances found in certain hair removers (resins, alcohol, wax, and chemicals).
Until now, all hair removers have concentrated on removing unwanted hair and have not cared about what damage they cause to the skin underneath. MOOM® does not ignore the skin. In fact, after using MOOM® the skin feels and looks smoother, younger and moisturized. MOOM® is so pure it contains nothing but Chamomile, Sugar, Lemon Juice, Tea Tree Oil and Water. MOOM® fabric strips are made form tightly woven polycotton stock. They are washable and reusable for years to come. MOOM® is designed to remove impurities and dead skin cells from the skin surface so skin feels softer and smoother with each use. It removes only the hair, not the skin. It does not break hair at the surface but delicately removes it with the root.
MOOM® is Hypo allergenic. There are absolutely NO chemicals, perfumes or artificial substances in MOOM®. MOOM® is a Member of the Beauty Without Cruelty organization and also a member of The National Association Of Chain Drug Stores. No chemicals, artificial or harmful substances. No animal testing.