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Good Mood Enhancer by King Bio

2 oz Liquid

Good Mood Enhancer

Regular Retail: $14.95
Our low price: $13.10, 2 for $25.51, 6 for $71.76

All Products by King Bio
Item #: VBD019154
UPC: 357955515029
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Good Mood Enhancer helps control mood swings, melancholy, despondency, despair, sadness, hypersensitivity, introspective; for easily offended feelings of self-condemnation, worthlessness and hopelessness.

King Bio’s Good Mood Enhancer will enhance your health in many ways:

  • Great for people who are easily offended, feels possessed of two wills, lacks self confidence, irritable, and depressed
  • Helpful for feelings of self condemnation and worthlessness
  • Great constitutional remedy for the low spirited who may fear loss of reason or misfortune
  • Helpful for apprehension, forgetfulness and confusion
  • Great remedy for melancholy and negative effects of shock
  • Great remedy for changeable moods, hypersensitivity, introspective, silent brooding, sad, tearful, non communication, sighing, sobbing and the ill effects of shocks, grief, worry and disappointment
  • Helpful for failure of mental power, feelings of moral deficiency, delusions of conspiracies, night terrors, and fears of being poisoned
  • Useful for the inability to think or difficult, slow comprehension
  • Useful for mental weakness, depression, and sensitivity to noise
  • Helpful for those who dislike to speak or be spoken to
  • Great for nervous exhaustion, mental debility, listlessness, apathy, and difficult comprehension
  • Popular remedy for the highly emotional, sad who readily cry, weep when talking, changeable, contradictory, easily discouraged, timid, and irresolute
  • Special remedy for those who are indifferent to loved ones and family
  • For people who become overwhelmed and fall into states of sadness, despair and despondency


    Anacardium Orientale, Aurum Metallicum, Calcarea Carbonica, Cimicifuga Racemosa, Hypericum Perforatum, Ignatia Amara, Kali Bromatum, Natrum Carbonicum, Natrum Sulphuricum, Phosphoricum Acidum, Pulsatilla, Sepia.

    Suggested Usage

    Product image may vary in look, size, quantity and/or flavor. It should only be used as a reference. Please check with the manufacturer for the most up-to-date product information. Although we try very hard to keep the product information up-to-date, occasionally, the manufacturer changes the name and the packaging of a product without notice.

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