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Appetite & Weight Control by King Bio

2 oz Liquid

Appetite & Weight Control

Regular Retail: $14.95
Our low price: $13.10, 2 for $25.51, 6 for $71.76

All Products by King Bio
Item #: VBD019122
UPC: 357955515623
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Appetite & Weight Control Indications for Use: For fast relief of excess appetite, food cravings, that empty feeling in stomach and constitutional tendencies to gain fat. Obesity. Helpful for both adults and children who are overweight.

King Bio’s Appetite & Weight Control directly addresses the plethora of causes behind excessive appetite and weight gain. With 24 ingredients formulated together in 3 different potencies, King Bio’s Appetite & Weight Control offers 72 strategic ingredients all in one product to better treat the underlying cause many of which have never been addressed before.

King Bio’s Appetite & Weight Control is designed to treat the tremendous variety of aberrations in our appetite including: Extreme, voracious, out of control, canine-like hungers that can overtake certain people.
Effective for those subtle hunger signs such as those empty gnawing, sinking or rumbling feelings in the stomach that can drive us to the refrigerator. Great for STRESS EATERS or those nervous stomachs, which are temporarily relieved by food or when eating seems to temporarily relieve our stress or discomforts. King Bio’s Appetite & Weight Control is also great for those peculiar craving we can get for certain foods like, salt, sweets, starches, meats, cold foods, hot foods, eggs, etc. It’s even great for certain people including children who may crave indigestible things like dirt, chalk, coal, pencils, etc. King Bio’s Appetite & Weight Control even works on inherited/genetic/or what we call constitutional causes for obesity and has proven to be helpful.

The formula works directly on:

  • Sluggish & slow metabolisms
  • Low functioning thyroids
  • General obesity
  • Children with the predisposition to obesity or retain fat
  • Tendencies to deposit fat in certain parts of our body

    King Bio’s Appetite & Weight Control formula has specific ingredients to help activate low functioning thyroids that can cause us to gain weight and feel sluggish and tired. If you don’t have a low functioning thyroid these ingredients will not have any negative effects on you. This formula has ingredients designed to address the many mental and emotional factors found behind excessive appetite or weight gain. This product works deep within our brain and nervous system to help heal our emotions such as:

  • What ever you do fails to give satisfaction
  • Mood changes that associate with overeating
  • Introspective personalities that can cause us to internalize issues
  • Silent brooding that can slow our metabolism
  • Melancholic tendencies
  • Sadness
  • Sensitivities, tearful, sighing and sobbing; easily cry
  • Lack of self-confidence
  • Timidity
  • Discouragement
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Introversions that can cause us to run from our problems or go into denial
  • The tendency to bottle up emotions
  • Become indifferent to the way we look or how we take care of ourselves

    The King Bio Appetite & Weight Control formula has special ingredients that work deep within the control centers of our brain to help us overcome aversions to work or exertion or exercise! These ingredients help us overcome those bad sedentary lifestyle habits that can overtake us. It has key ingredients to help heal digestive disorders or weakened GI tracts that can occur from the abuses of overeating.


    Abies Canadensis, Ammonium Bromatum, Ammonium Muriaticum, Anacardium Orientale, Antimonium Crudum, Argentum Metallicum, Calcarea Carbonica, Capsicum Annuum, Cinchona Officinalis, Ferrum Metallicum, Fucus Vesiculosus, Ignatia Amara, Kali Bichromicum, Lycopodium Clavatum, Mercurius Solubilis, Natrum Sulphuricum, Oleander, Phosphorus, Phytolacca Decandra, Sabadilla, Staphysagria, Sulphur, Thyroidinum, Veratrum Album.

    Suggested Usage

    Product image may vary in look, size, quantity and/or flavor. It should only be used as a reference. Please check with the manufacturer for the most up-to-date product information. Although we try very hard to keep the product information up-to-date, occasionally, the manufacturer changes the name and the packaging of a product without notice.

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