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What Your Doctor by Books: Health & Wellness

May Not Tell You About Premenopause, 1 Book

What Your Doctor

Regular Retail: $15.95
Our low price: $12.26, 2 for $23.88, 6 for $67.16

All Products by Books: Health & Wellness
Item #: VBD019590
UPC: 9780446673808
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What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause- This book offers the exciting facts about natural progesterone-and how it can deliver what HRT and estrogen only promise. Premenopausal symptoms, endometriosis, weight gain, low sex drive, fibrocystic breasts, heart disease, and osteoporosis-most women will experience these or other hormone-related problems. And today, millions of women concerned about aging must decide whether or not to undergo synthetic hormone replacement therapy-and suffer its side effects and increased risks of cancer.

But there is revolutionary news about completely safe, natural progesterone, the only hormone supplement women may need as they age. And, the natural progesterone program in What Your Doctor. . . Menopause has already helped nearly a million women.

Now, in this expanded and completely updated edition, Dr. Lee brings you lifesaving facts that even your doctor may not know about Premarin, Provera, and other HRT drugs; gives you an easy-to-follow nonprescription "Hormone Balance" program; and tells you how to stay energized, strong, sexually vigorous, and free from "female problems" before menopause, during the menopausal years, and beyond.

Author Biography: John R. Lee, M. D., is retired from his 30-year family practice.

Virginia Hopkins, M. S., is a well-known co-author of books on natural hormone balance and nutrition.


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